Title A passion for Ponies by Donna Cherry
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This article is about a girl named Chelsea who loves her pony named Teddy. After school Chelsea goes home quickly so she could play. She looks after her pony Teddy everyday when she comes from school. Chelsea had a friend named Sarah. She had a pony too.
Sarah also played with Chelsea and they groomed their ponies together. Chelsea and Sarah also cleaned up their ponies droppings which is gross and it looked like little tennis balls. Sarah loves her pony as much Chelsea loves Teddy.
Chelsea and Sarah do a lot together with their ponies like grooming, playing, brushing and a lot of other stuff. Sarah and Chelsea care a lot for their ponies body parts. If I had a pony I would do the same thing that Sarah and Chelsea did to their ponies. I would be dedicated like them.
I liked the bit about when Chelsea’s least favourite job was picking up the droppings it was really funny.
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