
Sunday 10 July 2016

Term 2 Reflection

Term 2 was filled with a lot of ups and downs. It was a Fun, Sad, Mad, Weird, Funny etc Term. I've improved a lot from Term 1, Educational and behavior wise. Still a lot to improve on tho. First of all I'd like to say thank you to Mrs Tofa and Miss Stone for a wonderful Term 2. Without you guys we wouldn't be as close as we are right now. So thank you guys.

I had a lot of great moments in Term 2. Mostly learning new things and of course having fun with my Family, Friends and Teachers. Kiwi Can was also a huge factor for me and other students from our school. Kiwi can gives us life lessons that truly touch us deep. They also talk about how we could stay positive and move forward in life, to forget about what has happened in the past.

Every 2-3 Weeks Kiwi Can has different themes for us students to think and understand the meaning of the prompt, Such as Leadership, PB4L, etc. For every theme they always have a cool catchphrase and it hypes and gives joy to all of us. Kiwi Can also gives us awesome activities to solve as a team and as a unit. I think working as a unit has made Room 7 students become more closer. I know we all have our ups and downs we still gotten through it all. Term 3 I'm READY. Stay safe and all have a wonderful holiday.

That was my reflection on how my Term 2 went.



Danni Stone said...

Hi Moses, I really like your honesty about this term, there were definitely ups and downs but I am so glad to hear that you are all getting along so well. Have a wonderful holiday and keep up the blogging!

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